Nesse mes de setembro estão programadas as seguintes atividades no nosso Clube :
5/09 ( Seg) : Aula de culinária / 14:00 hs
6/09 (Ter) : Pátria Amada / Escola Madre Judite / 7: 30 hs
7/09 (Qua) : Desfile 7 de setembro / Largo da Vitória / 8:00 hs
10/09 ( Sáb): Feira da Pechincha / Escola Madre Judite/ 9:00 ás 12:00 hs
Lembro que amanhã,terça feira, teremos Assembléia Ordinária do Clube, ás 20:00 hs na AAB.
segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011
No último dia 23/08/2011 foi realizada Assembléia Festiva em comemoração ao Dia dos Pais. Como homenagem aos Pais a coomposição da mesa foi ocupada por mulheres,sendo que a Presidencia foi exercida pela CaL Violeta.
Destacamos a presença do Associado Privilegiado Wilson Vieira e das Leonitas Telma e Marilene.
A Mensagem Especial aos Pais foi preparada e lida pela Leonita Telma, que será publicada no próximo post.
Nas fotos a CaL Celene faz a entrega de flores a Dm Marilza para ser repassada a doceira Jacqueline, como reconhecimento do Clube pela excelente aula de culinária.
Na outra foto o CL Dario com a faixa de Mais Dinamico e Mais Dísponível segundo eleição conduzida pela CaL Lia e CaL Ana Lúcia.
Parabéns a todos os Pais que receberam essa homenagem ! !
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011
Entrega dos agasalhos à Diretoria do Abrigo |
Estiveram presentes no ato de entrega o Presidente CL Afonso, a Dm Marilza, a Ex-presidente imediato PDG Celene e o Diretor de Associados PCC Mario Camera, que atua também como Diretor Jurídico do Abrigo.
Após a entrega dos agasalhos os companheiros visitaram as instalações do Abrigo onde constataram a excelencia do trabalho de assistencia ao idoso desenvolvido no local.
segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011
Nesta segunda feira,8/08/2011, o LC Salvador Sudoeste promoveu a 2a. aula de culinária, na Escola São João Batista,para mães que residem na comunidade, dando continuidade ao Programa de Aumento de Renda Familiar, que já vinha sendo conduzido pela PDG Celene.
Nesta data foi realizada uma aula especial sobre a confecção de pãozinho delícia e marshmellow,com a presença da doceira e cake designer Jacqueline.
Além das companheiras Celene,Uiara,Cecilia,Marilza,Elvira o evento contou com a presença do Presidente CL Afonso,do Tesoureiro CL Dario, e do PDG Mário Camera. No final da aula as mães alunas e todos os presentes se deliciarem com pãozinho delícia e o bolo com cobertura de marshmellow .
quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011
I am deeply humbled by the generous outpouring of support from Lions worldwide to my call last week to donate funds to the Foundation’s Japan Relief Fund. Already, LCIF has received donations or commitments exceeding US$6 million, including US$3 million that the Lions of Japan are working to raise themselves during their own crisis. Again, it’s so very humbling to see such compassion by the network of caring Lions and Leos worldwide. I thank all who have already donated from the bottom of my heart.
With the expected death toll now exceeding 18,000 and rising, the devastation is clearly greater than anyone could have imagined. And more than 400,000 people are still in shelters, in the cold, often going without a hot meal for days on end.
Now that the roads have re-opened, Lions from all over Japan are sending relief aid from every corner of the country – 30 tons of rice is being sent from Sapporo, US$50,000 worth of baby formula from Hokkaido and women’s health products from the southern area of Shikoku – all through the Lions network in Japan. Within a day of the disaster, many courageous clubs distributed 20 tons of food, water and emergency supplies, despite great risks and challenges to themselves. Even our blue-colored Lions relief tents are being delivered to give shelter for Lions volunteers and other relief workers in the hardest-hit areas.
To distribute the aid effectively, the Lions of Japan quickly set up four Lions relief aid warehouses in affected areas. Lions are coordinating relief aid distribution with local government officials and with the Japanese Red Cross. As a result, Lions are helping coordinate blood donation campaigns within Japan.
As you know, we have 31 Lions clubs in Sendai – the largest city affected by the quake – and nearly a club in every town up and down the coastline. Whether it’s clothes and food today, or shelter next week, or a wheel chair the week after, Lions will be there to give dignity to those who have suffered such unimaginable pain and suffering.
While many of you have already generously donated, for which I am very thankful, please encourage your fellow Lions, Leos and friends to also donate. Please know that every donation will be put to careful use, and 100 percent will go to the cause. Also, donations received between March 11 and June 30, 2011 will be eligible for Melvin Jones Fellowships.
I am again humbled by your generosity to date. The Lions of Japan have always been there for the rest of us in times of need. So I am proud of you, and never prouder to be a Lion, when we come to their aid in the wake of this historic, awful tragedy.
With the expected death toll now exceeding 18,000 and rising, the devastation is clearly greater than anyone could have imagined. And more than 400,000 people are still in shelters, in the cold, often going without a hot meal for days on end.
Now that the roads have re-opened, Lions from all over Japan are sending relief aid from every corner of the country – 30 tons of rice is being sent from Sapporo, US$50,000 worth of baby formula from Hokkaido and women’s health products from the southern area of Shikoku – all through the Lions network in Japan. Within a day of the disaster, many courageous clubs distributed 20 tons of food, water and emergency supplies, despite great risks and challenges to themselves. Even our blue-colored Lions relief tents are being delivered to give shelter for Lions volunteers and other relief workers in the hardest-hit areas.
To distribute the aid effectively, the Lions of Japan quickly set up four Lions relief aid warehouses in affected areas. Lions are coordinating relief aid distribution with local government officials and with the Japanese Red Cross. As a result, Lions are helping coordinate blood donation campaigns within Japan.
As you know, we have 31 Lions clubs in Sendai – the largest city affected by the quake – and nearly a club in every town up and down the coastline. Whether it’s clothes and food today, or shelter next week, or a wheel chair the week after, Lions will be there to give dignity to those who have suffered such unimaginable pain and suffering.
While many of you have already generously donated, for which I am very thankful, please encourage your fellow Lions, Leos and friends to also donate. Please know that every donation will be put to careful use, and 100 percent will go to the cause. Also, donations received between March 11 and June 30, 2011 will be eligible for Melvin Jones Fellowships.
I am again humbled by your generosity to date. The Lions of Japan have always been there for the rest of us in times of need. So I am proud of you, and never prouder to be a Lion, when we come to their aid in the wake of this historic, awful tragedy.
terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011
Vencedor do Cartaz da Paz 2011
Vencedor Cartaz da Paz 2011 |
Mais 23 cartazes de diversos países ( nenhum do Brasil, infelizmente ) vão receber o premio de Honra ao Mérito.
Mais informações no blog do Presidente Sid L. Scruggs,
quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010
Na última terça, 21/12, foi realizada uma Assembléia Festiva do LC Salvador Sudoeste,na residencia dos companherios Rogério e Marta,com a presença maciça de associados e leonitos.
A belíssima decoração com motivos natalinos,o clima de confraternização entre os companheiros, a simpatia do casal anfitrião e a noite de lua cheia contribuiram para o sucesso da festa, embalada pelo som do teclado Roland do CL Dario. Destaque para a presença da Governadora do DLA-2 ,CaL Aurelita Mirales que prestigou o evento.
A presidente CaL Celene conduziu a Assembléia e o CL Rogério fez a Invocação a Deus lembrando o motivo princcipal do Natal, o nascimento de Jesus.
No final a distribuição dos presentes do amigo secreto em clima de descontração e alegria. Com esse último post do ano desejamos a todos um Feliz Natal e um 2011 pleno de realizações e serviços pelo bem comum. Retornamos ao blog em fevereiro de 2011.
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